Helping busy pet business owners create more freedom, time and profit

Let me ask you a quick question...

The Productive Petpreneur is on a mission to...

  • Give busy pet business owners tools and templates that will enable them to spend more time doing what they love and less time marketing, admin or chasing customers!

  • Provide overwhelmed pet business owners with simple strategies to gain more customers (and increase their profits) without too much effort!

  • Offer a supportive, safe space for solo pet business owners to share their feelings, ask for advice and let off steam!

  • Reduce the time pet business owners spend in their business so that they can enjoy their life again!

Let's be honest

Most people start a pet business because they love working with pets. They like the idea of working from home and spending all day cuddling other people's pets.

But in reality having a pet business often means that

  • You spend more time sorting paperwork or chasing customers than you do with the pets!

  • You try to keep up with the latest social media trends and platforms so that you'll hopfeully be seen and get a new customer or two

  • You're unable to switch off because customers assume you're on call 24/7. Plus working from home means that there's always something to do!

  • Days off are non existant if you work alone...and holidays!! What's that?

I started my pet business, a boarding cattery, around 7 years ago. Although it was (and still is) very successful it was overwhelming and lonely as everything came to me. I didn't (and still don't) have any staff to delegate things too and with raising two young children there was always so much to do!

But after taking some time off (thanks to a pandemic) I remembered why I started my pet business. I wanted more time to spend with my kids . With previously being a pimary school teacher I didn't want to miss the school plays or sports days like my collegues. I wanted more money, I needed to contribute to our household income, not drain it by having a nice hobby.

I set about creating new ways of working which would help me grow my business without the stress. And now I want to share my templates, tips and tools and help other pet business owners who crave more time, money, freedom and flexibility.

So if that sounds like you, and you want to grow your pet business to suit your life then come and join me on this amazing journey!


Want to be more productive? Then join the pack. Whether you're just starting out or you've had your pet business for years there's something for every pet business owner. With monthly themed support, tools, templates and top tips to maximise your time and achieve more income.

Launching Summer 2023


Because we all need a little love in our inbox! Each Sunday I'll send you a little reminder that you've got this and that you can handle whatever the week ahead will throw at you! I'll also share my top tip for saving an hour that week along with some other goodies that you can use to help you grow your business with ease.


So much to do but don't know where to start? This rocky roadmap will guide you through the 5 steps every pet business owner should be focussing on.. Why rocky? Well because owning and running a business isn't plain sailing, there'll be ups and downs and bumps but if you know where your heading it's easier to stay on track!

Want to speed up tasks and stay on top of your todo list? Grab my free guide now.

25 time saving tips for busy petpreneurs

© Copyright 2023 The Productive Petpreneur